Monthly Archives: January 2010

Jersey Shore – Guidos Making Money

While I’m not a big TV guy, after 9 pm I usually sit down, after we put the kids to bed to watch some TV. Recently I found out about a show on MTV called Jersey Shore.  The “reality show” focuses on a group of Italian Americans who work out, wear Ed Hardy, drive an Escalade (I got one yeah…) and go clubbing, and they all live in a house on the New Jersey water shore. I have no clue why But I did some reading up on the show and it seems lots of Italians back east in New York and Jersey seem pretty pissed about the show.

Here is one thing you need to ask yourself when watching any “reality show”, is it really real? I don’t think most reality shows are just filmed, personally I think many of these shows are staged. I also think they chose the participants (actors) of the show based on how well they will do in the ratings. That being said, don’t you think they will choose the actors who will give them the highest viewership  and ratings?

They call each other “Guidos”, am I offended by that? Lol fuck no. It’s TV people, it’s all bullshit and the show is designed to bring in maximum ratings. Of course the guys on the show look like douche bags because it brings in ratings $$$$$$$$$$$$. If you don’t realize that reality shows are mostly bullshit then your’e as dumb as the “Guidos” on Jersey Shore.

Whoever created the show is brilliant he knows how to push people’s buttons and he is making lots of money because of it. Also don’t you think the “Guidos” on the show put on just a bit on an act to get ratings? Doh, you dumb ass, they get paid to be on the show so I can guarantee you the play the part as cheezy as possible. Wake the f*ck up!

It amazes me that people still don’t understand reality shows are SHOWS! If the camera was on you, I think you would act different, especially if you get a paycheck because of it. And all the people calling them “Guidos”, remember this, the guys on Jersey Shore are laughing all the way to the bank you fucking  idiots. It’s all about money, like most things in this world from the War In Iraq to the Jersey Shore show.

Now if the Italians on Jersey Shore are smart they will buy real estate! If anyone called me a Guido I would just laugh at them…..

I’m not really sure why I felt compelled to talk about this however it’s true. Stop watching TV and go make some money you assholes, DOH.

Enough said.

My Specific Goals For 2010

Being that it is January, I need to get my house (head) in order. I’ve been feeling a little unfocused this past week, so I figured it was about time to write down my specific goals for 2010.

For those of you that know me, realize that I am a man of sticking to my promises. If I say I’m going to do something then it will be done. I like being honest especially with myself.  That being said it’s time to do my goals, why? As I mentioned tons of times before I write down my goals here so I feel like I am accountable to anyone reading my blog. I  like the no B.S. approach is has worked for me so far, so I am going to continue.

Before I post my exact goals for 2010. I want you to read what my real estate guru Ozzie Jurock  sent me my by email:

“People don’t do what we expect, they do what we inspect with respect. New Year’s resolution type goals don’t work, because we have no one to inspect us. Your goals should be specific, quantifiable and measurable. Accountability is the key. For instance, what exactly does it mean when we say: “I will buy some real estate?” Make it specific: “I will buy an investment condo that cash flows by May 1, 2010.” That’s specific and measurable. And…put it in writing … and have someone inspect you. It works!”

Ozzie Jurock is awesome, through his newsletter that I subscribe to, he has guided me to buying cash flow properties in Vancouver, Prince George, Winnipeg (mistake) and now Las Vegas! He doesn’t know that he has even helped me, but one of these days I will chat with him at the real estate seminars that I frequent here in Vancouver and tell how much of an inspiration he is.

  1. First off I want to lose about five pounds. It’s not very much, because I don’t really need to drop much weight at all. I am doing the exercise bike every day for 30 minutes and it’s working out great. I sit on my ass and watch TV while I am on the bike, so it doesn’t even feel like a workout really.
  2. Real estate! Well what can I say about this? My major goal is to have $20,000 in invest income every month coming through real estate. I am just under half way there, not bad I know. This year I plan on buying 5 more condos, mostly in Las Vegas I think. The end date for this to happen will be November 14, 2010. Last years I said I would buy 3 condos and bought 4, 3 in Vancouver and one in Las Vegas.
  3. Online income – Working online has enabled me to buy all the real estate I have, it has changed my life forever, no going back now. I blogged about how I made the $7,000 profit per day goal last month, well it has come down from that level. Honestly it’s pretty tough to keep the momentum going at $7,000 per day for months on end. That being said, I think a new revised goal of $2,000 U.S. per day in profit should be attainable by February 1,2010. I don’t know exactly how I’m going to do this, but the magic of writing down your goals, seems to get me super focused on hitting the bench mark I have set for myself. In this case $2,000 profit U.S per day is my new goal. I want this to be consistent, meaning it will last for months on end. I know I can do and I will do it, let’s watch it happen!

Remember the law of attraction does work, I am living proof of it.

front yard sunsrise, taken on January 7, 2010

back yard sunsrise, taken on January 7, 2010

New Years Resolutions For 2010

Who am I kidding? It’s the first day of the year, and I won’t getting much work done if any. I think it’s a good time to move forward and write down my goals for  2010.This is more like reminders than resolutions.


  1. More exercise – I just purchased an exercise bike from Zellers, on sale from $249 to $149.00. I used it about  1 1/2 hours ago  and it’s awesome. I got used to using an exercise bike while were down in Las Vegas for the last month and a half, so I had to pick one up here.
  2. More real estate – I love real estate, it’s stable and you can always come out ahead with a  little bit of research and common sense. I plan on buying more condos this year and investment properties.
  3. More income – Last year was my best year ever, even though I haven”t added up my income for the year it was very good.  This year I will make even more money because my experience in online marketing has gotten that much better. I learned lots in 2009 and I can carry those skills forward in 2010. No pain, no gain. I had to reinvent myself a few times mainly due to Google tightening the screws on all affiliates. I gave up on them and moved to greener and much more profitable pastures. Goodbye Google, I don’t even miss you at all.
  4. More diversification – I plan to continue to diversify my income streams online so I am prepared if things sideline my business ventures. Having your all your eggs in one basket is bad business.
  5. More rest & relaxation – I bought the condo in Vegas as part of my R&R, and I plan on using it 3 -4months out of the year.  The weather in Vancouver is rain (surprise), so haven’t that sunny destination to go to anytime I like is an awesome feeling.

I haven’t got detailed about my goals, because I need to think about them a little bit to see exactly what I want to achieve.

Anyways Happy New Years to all! Remember write down your goals and hold yourself accountable! Don ‘t take it lightly. Writing down my goals has helped me achieve success.  Just read through my other goal oriented blog posts in the last year and you will see what I mean ( they all came true…).

Onward and upward!
