Monthly Archives: June 2009

So You Want To Be Rich, Making Money Online?

With smoking hot temperatures in Vancouver, it’s a struggle to focus on making money online. I’d rather be outside getting my tan on (like I really need one), but money is money and you can’t live  a good life without it.  Over the past year, a few friends have asked me to show them how I make money online and trust me it’s not nearly as easy as you think it is. I have been working online for the past 7 -8 years so I have lots of experience in the whole process. This game is constantly changing and you need to really want to succeed to “make it happen”. There is no easy road, and I’m not giving away my secrets for anyone. It took much too long for me to figure this shit out to give it away in 30 minute conversation, sorry kids.

That being said I do have something I can give everyone who is interested in making money online. One of the most famous of the “make money online” bloggers, ShoeMoney as he calls himself is offering a free 12 week online course on internet marketing that anyone can sign up for . Yes, it’s FREE. If you ever wanted to know what the hell it is I do all day long then register for free and learn. Who knows, this could change your life. I’m even taking the course, because I may learn something new that can take my business to the next level, who knows. Never be too lazy to learn something new. Sitting on your ass watching the hockey game, will never get you making 6 figures per year.

And without further bullshit here is the link to sign up for ShoeMoney’s free 12 week internet marketing course. Now go make papa proud, and when you get rich don’t forget who gave you the link.  Bada bing! Good luck!

some pretty pictures I took:







Goals Are The Highway To Your Future

Holy sh*t what a sweet day on the West Coast it was.  It was 26 celsius down by English Bay, but it felt chillier than that because of the wind. Wifey and I were sun tanning for about 2 hours and now we look like red peppers. No, I am NOT complaining. We don’t get enough sun in Vancouver to ever complain about the heat. I am loving it, my origins (Italian) are from a hot climate, so I love the heat.

Even though I have been taking a beating online, I’m in good spirits overall. I ended up heading over to I used to read his site all the time, when I first got into reading blogs, about 3 years ago. The funny thing is Steve Pavlina had just written a post about the importance of writing down your goals. That blog post on goals couldn’t have come at a better time.

I am an avid goal writer but I have definitely been slacking off in that area for the last few months. Writing down my goals has always lead to me to achieve what I had written down. I tend to keep my financial goals in a private blog posts now because I don’t feel like saying how much I make, and want to make in the future.

Steve Pavlina says to keep your goals in front of you, so you see them every single day. I have had my start page as a goal page (personal goals, family goals & financial goals) for a few years now. I hadn’t updated that page in many, many months until tonight. Now I feel a sense of direction just by updating my goals to reflect what I want to achieve in the next 30 days and then the next 60 days. The cool thing is I know I will reach both goals, so I have a sense of  excitement, enthusiasm and calmness, all in one shot.

If I didn’t have this blog I doubt I would have achieved the goals I set for myself, but writing them down and blogging about my goals has helped me not only to focus but also feel accountable to myself and for some reason people who read my blog.  I don’t like to bullshit people or myself, so if I say I am going to do something I make it a priority to make sure I bust my ass to do it. Excuses are are for people who are complacent, that’s not me. I was complacent from 1 year old to 29 years old after that things were NEVER the same.

The sky is the limit, dream big…

Canadian geese at English Bay

catepillar on bucket in my back lane

English Bay

English Bay and Pacific Ocean

wifey tanning at English bay

you know who.