Monthly Archives: December 2008

New Graphical Header & Vancouver Gets Another Dump Of Snow

I created a new graphical header for the Christmas season (LOOK UP). I had an hour to spare this Sunday morning at 6:30 am and yeah this is what I did. I have nothing better to do at 6:30 am? Hmm, I guess not. Just looking at the new header makes me cold, haha.


Looks like Mother Nature did a nice dump of snow on Vancouver last night while we were all sleeping. It looks like at least 3-4 inches of snow, maybe more. White Christmas here we come. Here are a few snap shots I took this morning (8:20 am now) of what I see when I open my front door here in East Vancouver (Renfrew Heights). Besides all the random parked cars, it looks very relaxing and calming to see everything blanketed with a nice coat of white. All the street garbage is hidden, no foot tracks in the snow, just virgin snow, gotta love it.

9:20 am  – Just finished shovelling all the snow on the city sidewalks and my sidewalks, that was a good work out.





Never Mind The Recession, Seasons Greetings Vancouver

With all the depressing news talking about a recession, I want to ask you. Do you know anyone who has been laid off because of the recession? I don’t know anyone, and 99% of the people I know are in trades such as carpentry and plumbing.  Nothing goes up forever, everyone seemed to think that the economy would get better and better. When in history has the economy ever done that? When have houses gone up for 10 years straight? These people need to get their heads out of their *sses seriously.  Nothing goes up forever, or down forever. The media has a nasty habit of making things seems much worse than they are, and much better than they are. They need to catch your attention, so they sensationalize everything.

  1. Houses prices coming down? So what, weren’t they getting just a wee bit out of the price range of most folks?
  2. Economy slowing down? Are you still working, me too.

I usually like to look at the glass half full, not half empty.  I think of this as a time of opportunity, for me personally.

  1. more affordable real estate, which cash flows better.
  2. cheaper gas prices, saves me money.
  3. cheaper priced Christmas gifts because of all the sales because of the “recession”.

Keep smiling the sky isn’t falling, just the bullsh*t from the media is. Yeah the economy is slowing down, but guess what it will be going back up again, and then back down and back up after that. This is just another cycle, keep living your life.

What do you think, leave a comment.

Photos of my Christmas tree:


Santa Claus closeup


Christmas light closeup


gold angel closeup


gold angel closeup


December 19, 2008 7:53 am early morning photo of the sun coming up in East Vancouver[ad#ad-1]

Snowy Surprise & A Gift For Christmas

It’s 7:02 am and I have  awaken to a snowy day ahead of me. Since I was too lazy to change my custom rims for the snow tires in my garage I am confined to my small part of the world. Yeah I can probably drive in this white stuff called snow, but whatever.  I can just as easily walk to the library (free wireless there), and I will be visiting my sister in law and go meet my new niece.

Claudia (my brothers wife)  has given birth to a little baby girl with the awesome name of Chiara or Ciara, I am not sure exactly how it’s spelt but I love the name. I am happy for my brother and his wife, as well as my parents. First step when I leave the house is to go walk to Burnaby General Hospital, which is only about 4 blocks from where we live. And they even  have Tim Hortons in the hospital (my kind of hospital), lucky me.  Now my little kiddies have someone to play with when they go to Nonno and Nonna’s house, very cool.

Little Ciara was born earlier than expected, so I guess she will be considered our Christmas gift. I never really care too much about receiving gifts, but this is the type of gift I am more than happy to receive. Nothing brings more joy than a little baby…

Congratulations to Rob and Claudia, from your brother. C.V.

And the snow keeps on coming so I had to snap a few pics of it coming down.




President Bush Can Duck, Too bad

I love watching comedy its a great way to unwind and when Andre showed me this video of our buddy George Bush getting a shoe thrown at him I had to post. I bet most of you have seen t but damn that is some  funny stuff. That Sh*thead Bush has some fast reflexes though, too bad… There is always next time, YOU ASSH*LE. F*ck Bush………


Thanks For The Christmas Gift Basket Guys

I would just like to publicly thank the FF crew for the gift basket they sent to me today via Fedex. I came home and saw a nice gift basket filled with all types of chocolates, fruits, teas and crackers. I appreciate the thought that you guys had in sending me that basket of goodies. Merry Christmas to all of you and see you next year in San Francisco once again!

It is nice to be appreciated for all the traffic I send your way and the hard work I do promoting your product, thanks a million! Oh and I also appreciate the fat checks!! Thankyou.

