Monthly Archives: July 2008

Granville Island & Other TidBits

Me and the Mrs went to Granville Island last night for a wedding so I had my trusty Canon SD750 by my side of course, then yesterday we went for breakfast at James Street Cafe. Also other random shots around town…

Granville Island walkway

Canada Day Banners - Granville Island

Granville Island Canada Day Bnners

False Creek Granville Island

Shot Of False Creek at Granville Island

closeup up of the little one

Reflection Off My 2002 Escalade

cool reflection off of my Escalade

New Brighton Park & shot of Burrad Inlet facing North Vancouver

543 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg After The Arson Fire

I got these photos from my realtor in Winnipeg, thought I would post them for the hell of it. This was my duplex that was arson damaged. The duplex was built in the late 1800s if you can believe it. Now it’s sold as of July 1,2008. Farewell and Thank God.

543 Pacific Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba

shot of the outside

543 Pacific Avenue arson fire

notice all the booze bottles on the counter………

Arson fire Winnipeg North End

totally destroyed property because of the selfish acts of arsonists

My arson damage is the result of one thing, First Nation people who are unemployed and have no hope in the future. Is this their fault? Honestly I don’t think so. Being suppressed for so many years and having their people killed by white settlers hundreds of years ago has left the First Nation people as angry as ever. This is the end result hundreds of years later. Drunk Indians, unemployed, creating street gangs and now they are killing each other in Winnipeg ghettos.  It’s not their fault, but they pay the price every single day of their lives and so will their children for generations to come. I have no answers, I was just a passerby in their community, and it costs me $50,000. I wish them the best in the future. I do not blame them, if I was living were they do I am sure I would be in the same vicious cycle as them…..

The Rise & Fall Of Starbucks Coffee

Everything comes in cycles, real estate, employment and economic growth, even coffee? Once I started seeing StarBucks on every damn street corner in Vancouver (and on Robson kiddie corner to one another), then you know it can’t last forever. In one way Starbucks killed themselves with their saturation of the coffee market. Starbucks made coffee what it is in Vancouver, but at the same time they over killed it. I mean seriously, they went overboard. Robson street alone has over 5 coffee shops, on one street!

I just saw in the news today that Starbucks is closing 600 stores in the USA. Yeah, yeah I know it’s because of the economic slowdown in the U.S but they grew fast, really fast. And seriously, the prices are killer. People drink coffee everyday, well I do anyways. However you won’t catch me buying a Caffe Mocha every day for one reason, the price. I don’t feel like paying $4.50 every single day for that Mocha. After a month at $4.50 per cup, it’s $135 a month just on Caffe Mocha, no thanks….

I could go to Tim Hortons and pay about $1.50 a cup, so $45 for the month compared to $135, you do the math. I make my coffee at home, way cheaper than buying it. If I do go out for coffee (roughly 3 times a week), I go to Tim Hortons. I visit Starbucks maybe once every 2 months. Sorry Starbucks but come on, $4.50 for a Mocha? Hell, even McDonalds sells iced coffee and it tastes just as good as Starbucks but only $1.35 compared to Starbucks at $4.50, again no thanks. I mean geez, it’s only coffee, why do you guys charge so much????

Gas is at $1.50 per litre in Vancouver, houses here have doubled in the last 5 years to an average price of just under $550,000 for an OLD home. Once prices start rising on staple products, then the luxuries such as Starbucks go first.

Thanks for some good times but I’m not that sad to see you go, sorry. I get ripped off enough at the gas pump, government taxes and at the grocery store. Good luck Starbucks.




random pics

Sunset in East Vancouver July 1, 2008

sunset shot from my porch Canada Day July 1, 2008

Seagull chilling on lap post in AmbleSide park in West Vancouver

seagull on lamp post in AmbleSide Park, West Van

Smoking Hot Day, Perfect For Power Washing

Well, it’s great to see the hot weather has finally kicked in around Vancouver. I spent the whole day power washing then sealing my stamped concrete driveway with a lacquer clear coat. Being out of the labor workforce for 10 years , you can sure feel ti when you have to work hard again.  Sitting on my ass building pay per click campaigns sure does nothing food for you health, the pocketbook on the other hand is a different story.

I actually did power washing as a business for about 2 years in the late 1990s. It’s a labour intensive job, but you can make some great money. It’s seasonal work but you can sure make some nice side cash, that’s actually how I paid for my computer college to learn web design back in 1999.

Well, it felt nice being off the computer on such a nice sunny day. The weather for tomorrow, who knows?

Stamped concrete with clear coat

shot of the stamped concrete and slate stairs after I did my magic with power washing and clear coat sealer.

oooh closeup of flowers, yeah!