My Personals Goals


On my previous blog I was writing out my goals more which I think he guide me along the way. Well I am back to writing goals, so I have a game plan, a road map to success. I know the importance of wring down your goals, but even more important being accountable to them. There is NO point writing down goals if they never intent to reach them. You need to be honest with yourself, with what you can achieve. When you reach your goal, reward yourself with something (a nice dinner, new clothes, a day off, whatever…)

Goals For The Next Month And A Half

  1. $1500 profit per day from affiliate marketing
  2. Continue to quickly find more profitable niches
  3. Get more organized to save on wasted time
  4. Buy 2 condos in Vancouver after the Winnipeg properties are sold.

Let’s see where I am with these goals on May, 15. Write down your goals and watch them gravitate towards you like a magnet, the law of attraction.

2 thoughts on “My Personals Goals

  1. Pingback: On My Way to $100,000 A Month |

  2. Pingback: Random Thoughts On Summer Days |

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